The better you look after them. The longer they'll be with you. Take the Time to Take Care of Your Cats Health. The better you take care of their health the longer they will be with you.Petvim natural cat vitamins are an easy and...
IS YOUR CAT SICK?Then give him the all natural Petvim 7 Superfood vitamin formula and witness the amazing difference it can have on their health.Simply add up to a teaspoon to your cat's wet or dry food daily or add to their...
PREVENT YOUR CAT FROM OVERHEATING THIS SUMMERCats aren't built to withstand the extreme heat of our Australian summer. 6 signs that your cat is not coping are panting, lethargy, sweaty feet, trembling, vomiting & diarrhea and drooling.There are many ways to help...
LethargyWeaknessConfusionNausea/vomitingSeizuresDullnessComaThese are all signs that your cat may be sodium deficient. There are a few different reasons why your pet may be deficient in sodium.This can be caused by -Hyperlipemia – excessive fats in the blood ; Hyperglycemia – excessive glucose/sugar in the...

PETVIM is recommended for pets by Veterinary Dr Elaine Cebuliak, of Animal Wellness