PETVIM | cat hydration
PETVIM is the only all natural, soluble superfood supplement for cats and dogs. The powerful blend of 7 nutrient rich superfoods can help your pet stay healthy, happy and hydrated.
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cat hydration

13 Dec 6 Signs Your Cat is Overheating this Summer

PREVENT YOUR CAT FROM OVERHEATING THIS SUMMERCats aren't built to withstand the extreme heat of our Australian summer. 6 signs that your cat is not coping are panting, lethargy, sweaty feet, trembling, vomiting & diarrhea and drooling.There are many ways to help...

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28 Mar Why Coconut Water is Good for Dogs and Cats

Coconut Water in particular is considered particular beneficial, as it is easy to consume (just drink it!) low in calories, naturally fat-and cholesterol free. It also has more potassium than four bananas and is super super hydrating. It is lovingly dubbed 'Mother Natures Sport Drink' by marketers with celebrity...

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28 Nov One of the Best Ways to Keep Your Cat or Dog Alive and Healthy

Over three years ago the local Vet told me to euthanize my then 10 year old French Bulldog Hugo. Hugo was short of breath, weak and clearly was struggling. Against the Vet's wishes I did not euthanize him and I thank God everyday for this decision I...

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