Australia's most popular natural, soluble vitamin for cats Petvim is now back in stock. Petvim is a plant based superfood vitamin and mineral supplement that effectively helps cats regain their health naturally. It is proven to help boost energy and vitality; replace lost minerals and...
There's no better time than NOW to look after your pet's health. Petvim is an all natural, soluble plant based superfood supplement created just for cats and dogs. It is Australian Vet Approved and 100% Australian Formulated and Owned. It helps give your cat...
The better you look after them. The longer they'll be with you. Take the Time to Take Care of Your Cats Health. The better you take care of their health the longer they will be with you.Petvim natural cat vitamins are an easy and...
Give your cat or dog the all natural Petvim 7 Superfood vitamin formula and witness the amazing difference it can have on their health.Simply add a teaspoon to your pet's wet or dry food daily or add to their water bowl. Petvim is...
Petvim all natural, superfood pet vitamins have really helped cats. Cat owners Lionel and Helena from Brisbabe said that their 11 year old Kiko loves Drinking Petvim and they really think it has helped his Diabetes.''He's now running around and is more playful...
VET BILLS, PET INSURANCE AND PET MEDICATIONS ARE ON THE RISE IN AUSTRALIA.Cats and Dogs in Australia are now suffering from more diseases at an earlier age than ever before. Over 64% of cats and dogs will develop either Cancer, Arthritis, Dementia, Inflammation,...
Petvim wins 2019 -2020 BRAND OF THE YEAR - WORLD BRANDING AWARDS for the second consecutive year !!‘’ We are extremely pleased to inform you that PETVIM has been selected to receive a World Branding Award in Vienna.The World Branding Awards is recognised as the...
Posted at 00:43h in
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PETVIM by Gabrielle Amies In my late twenties when I was living in London, I was a great believer in reading books on the power of positive thinking. I read countless books on how what you think about really affects where you are going in life and books on...
Posted at 23:00h in
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PETVIM by Gabrielle Amies Thank you to all our loyal PETVIM FOLLOWERS for Liking, Commenting and most importantly SHARING our social media posts.You are directly contributing to raising awareness of the importance of having quality pet vitamins and minerals in the diets of our best friends,Pet parents all around...
Posted at 08:33h in
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gabrielle amies,
PETVIM by Gabrielle Amies I’ve had my Burmese cats Digby and Honey for the last 6 years. My wife and I split about 8 months ago. which has been pretty tough and luckily, I got to keep the cats. Digby and Honey have been great company for me, especially...

PETVIM is recommended for pets by Veterinary Dr Elaine Cebuliak, of Animal Wellness