Rosie now wakes up everyday feeling GREAT .. read her amazing transformation from old dog to puppy from Pet Mo, Nat in Port Douglas. Queenlsand‘’Gabrielle and Hugo! Hugo's legacy has brought great joy and life into my 12 year old RosieSince taking PetVim she has improved...
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liquid vitamins for dogs by Gabrielle Amies PROTECT YOUR DOG FROM THE HEAT THIS SUMMER1/ Provide plenty of cool fresh water2/ Makes sure there is shade when exercising or playing with your dog3/ Walk your dog early morning or early evening to ensure appropriate temperature4/ After a period...
Coconut Water in particular is considered particular beneficial, as it is easy to consume (just drink it!) low in calories, naturally fat-and cholesterol free. It also has more potassium than four bananas and is super super hydrating. It is lovingly dubbed 'Mother Natures Sport Drink' by marketers with celebrity...
Take pity the next time you see your dog panting on a sunny Summers day. Not only do dogs naturally have a higher body temperature than humans, it's important to remember they are also wearing a huge fur coat 24/7!The normal body temperature of a...
Many of us are totally unaware of what we are actually drinking when we turn on the tap to fill a glass with water. Scientists all over the world are becoming increasingly alarmed by the content of drinking water and are actively trying to seek...
There's nothing more worrying than if your beloved pet pooch is lying around listless, sad and obviously not feeling well. It is not always apparent what is wrong and like with sickness in humans, it can be due to a host of different reasons.One thing...
Let's face it..most of us would do anything for our beloved cat or dog. But are we really giving them everything they need to stay healthy, happy and hydrated? Don't be fooled that by giving them a tin of canned food or a handful of...
On 15 September 2016, the face of PetVim, French Bulldog 'Hugo' turned 13 and is now believed to be Australia's oldest living Frenchie.Over two and a half years earlier, (Saturday, 25 January 2014), Hugo collapsed in the garden of his home in South Brisbane, Australia. His...

PETVIM is recommended for pets by Veterinary Dr Elaine Cebuliak, of Animal Wellness