Petvim is an all natural, soluble vitamin and mineral supplement for cats and dogs. Petvim is suitable for all ages sizes and breeds of pets. Petvim can help your sick dog by giving immune system support; improving blood circulation; replacing lost minerals and key vitamins;...
Vets and cat lovers around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of supplementing cats daily diets. Canned, processed and heat treated wet and dry foods are no longer able to offer the nutritional support that cats need and hence the need to add...
Petvim is an all natural, soluble vitamin and mineral supplement for cats and dogs. Petvim is now available in the Pet Supplies category of the new Amazon Australia . Petvim is suitable for all ages sizes and breeds of pets. Petvim can help cats and dogs...
One of the best new vitamin and mineral supplements recommend by Vets for dogs is the all natural, water-soluble, multivitamin supplement Petvim. Petvim is a delicious all natural vegetarian, gluten free, grain free and vegan dog food treat. Dogs love the great taste of Petvim.Petvim is...
As 'Pet Parents' we are always looking for the best way to care for our dogs health. Vitamin and mineral supplements can be quite costly, so if you are going to take the time, effort and expense to care for your dogs health then it...
If you've ever tried to give your cat or dog a tablet or vitamin then you'll understand what a breakthrough a soluble vitamin and mineral supplement for cats and dogs truly is! Now with the invention of PETVIM, the world's first and only all soluble, all...
Maca, the Peruvian superfood has a 3,000 year old history as a powerful strength, health and stamina enhancer and is today hailed as the latest and greatest superfood for humans. But I bet you didn't know the native Peruvians originally fed Maca to their animals daily to promote...
Caring for our furry loved ones can be quite difficult as they get older but we are all willing to go that extra step for them out of love, respect and companionship. Here are our 4 tips on how to care for your ageing pets.1....
If you love your French Bulldog and want him to live a happy and healthy life then it makes good sense to look after its' health. One of the best Vet Recommended Australian vitamin and mineral supplements available on the market for dogs is the...
Vets and dog lovers around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of supplementing dogs daily diets. Canned, processed and heat treated wet and dry foods are no longer able to offer the nutritional support that dogs need and hence the need to add vitamins and...

PETVIM is recommended for pets by Veterinary Dr Elaine Cebuliak, of Animal Wellness