About 10 years ago Qantas banned the transportation of certain flat-faced breeds of dogs on flights longer than five hours. I know this story only too well as my French Bulldog ‘Hugo’ and I were part of this ban.You see flat-faced dog breeds like French...
HJust like humans need to supplement their diets with vitamin and mineral supplements, so do our dogs. The food we eat today is heavily compromised. Selenium and magnesium levels today are almost non-existent and pesticide and herbicide levels are at an all-time high. Surveys show...
Like humans dogs and cats also have eating habits and these can sometimes be hard to change. When attempting to get your pet to try new foods sometimes it can take a little more than just one try, especially if they are used to just...
Caring for our furry loved ones can be quite difficult as they get older but we are all willing to go that extra step for them out of love, respect and companionship. Here are our 4 tips on how to care for your ageing pets.1....
If you consider your dog to be part of your family then it's always nice to share in the festive spirit with a special gift for them at Christmas, As a 'pet parent' one of the best ways to show them you love them is...
Vitamin and mineral supplements for dogs can be quite costly, so if you are going to take the time, effort and expense to care for your dogs health then it makes sense to give them only the best.One of the best Vet Recommended Australian vitamin...
Did you know a dog’s nose print is as unique as a human's finger print? A dogs paw print might look pretty generic but their nose print is actually as unique as a human's finger print and their combination of ridges and creases is so...
Research has found that your pet pooch may feel jealousy, but those puppy dog eyes are not actually a sign of guilt. The sad. open staring eyes are not guilt but just our interpretation of our dog’s reaction to being scolded.Interestingly, Alexandra Horowitz, from Barnard...
Like humans, pets can also be prone to anxiety. Dogs can develop anxiety for several reasons and it is important for dog owners to know what signs to look for when determining if their pets have anxiety.Some Signs Your Dog May Have AnxietyHiding Panic...

PETVIM is recommended for pets by Veterinary Dr Elaine Cebuliak, of Animal Wellness