PETVIM is the only all natural, soluble superfood supplement for cats and dogs. The powerful blend of 7 nutrient rich superfoods can help your pet stay healthy, happy and hydrated.
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I’ve had my Burmese cats Digby and Honey for the last 6 years. My wife and I split about 8 months ago. which has been pretty tough and luckily, I got to keep the cats. Digby and Honey have been great company for me, especially when I come home at the end of the day. Instead of walking into an empty cold house they are there to greet me with loud purrs, rubbing themselves up against my leg. They’ve always been healthy; with few vet visits and I’ve always fed them on a diet of premium dried cat food and fresh raw meat.

A while ago I was introduced to a vitamin product for cats called Petvim by my friend Sarah who said it really worked wonders for her cat. I looked at the red and white packet and the ingredients of 7 natural superfoods and commented that it looked good, but my cats were healthy and were fine thanks They didn’t need extra vitamins. Sarah said something at the time that I thought was strange “Are they ? “ and she left the packet of Petvim on my kitchen bench. The pack pretty much stayed there unopened for the next 3 months.

One day I came home from work and Honey, who is s the less affectionate of the two, greeted me as usual. Digby wasn’t to be seen. That’s not unusual as he often likes to hide in towel cupboards, under beds or wander on his own outside. That night it was dinner time and still no Digby. I didn’t think much of it till the next day and still Digby wasn’t to be seen.

After checking cupboards and bedrooms I finally found him crouched in the corner of my closet. I instantly could tell something was wrong. His coat wasn’t shiny as usual and looked dull and he looked sad in the eyes.
I picked him up and took him into the lounge and sat him on the couch with me. After about 10 seconds he pushed out of my arms and slowly went through an open door into the garden. I followed him out and watched him tugging at long blades of grass and eating it. I rang the Vet and told her Digby was eating grass and looking unwell and she said not to worry as cats often do that but to bring him over for a check-up if I was still concerned.

I started doing some research of my own on the internet as I didn’t like the idea of a $200 Vet bill to only find out Digby was ok. I was quite surprised by some of the stories I read. Here I was thinking my cats were ok with a diet mainly of dry premium cat food and a bit of fresh meat. How wrong I was.

I read that most shop bought cat foods today are so highly processed and long stored they often aren’t giving your cat some of the key vitamins they need. Apparently, this is why so many cats are now getting health issues such as cancer, arthritis, skin and digestive conditions at such a young age.

I remembered the pack of vitamins Sarah had left me. I read the packet and how Petvim is a natural vitamin and mineral supplement powder that can be sprinkled on your cat’s food or you can dissolve it in their water. It can help cats coat, energy, immune system, overall health and well-being. I followed the instructions and put a serve in the cat’s water bowl. It’s hard to tell if cats drink water so I thought I’ll also sprinkle a bit on their food for good measure.

The results have been nothing but amazing, Digby loves Petvim on his food and purrs loudly while he’s eating it. The change in him was pretty much instant. Within a few days he was back to normal and his coat even shinier than before. I give Petvim to Digby and Honey every day and like Sarah give a pack as a gift to my family and friends with cats. I now hear myself saying the same thing when they respond like I did that their cats are healthy and fine… ‘Are they?’

Don’t wait like I did until your cat is ill and suffering alone in silence. Start your cat on a healthy diet supplement of key essential vitamins and minerals today.

Chris, Noosa Heads, Qld, Australia

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