It’s important when choosing vitamins and supplements for your pet you choose Australian made as they are held to a very high safety standards and regulations, to ensure you don’t cause your dog and cat any harm. Imported dog foods are mostly Gamma irritated. In...
They don't call it puppy love for nothing! Thanks to recent developments in brain imaging technology, scientists can now study dog brains. Studies show that dogs actually see us as their family and they rely on humans more than they do their own kind for affection, protection...
PETVIM has been selected to receive a World Branding Award in Vienna. PETVIM is the only brand in the Small Animal - Dietary Supplements category from Australia to be selected for this year’s Awards. The World Branding Awards is recognised as the ultimate global brand recognition...
Not only does walking your dog help you to get exercise, it might also help you land a date. People, especially women, are far more likely to stop and talk with a guy who's walking a dog than one who is not. And the cuter...
Most of us have lost a loved one at some point in our lives and know the extreme pain we can go through. When someone is taken away from us before what we believe is 'their time', it can really be before what is 'our...
Did you know a dog’s nose print is as unique as a human's finger print? A dogs paw print might look pretty generic but their nose print is actually as unique as a human's finger print and their combination of ridges and creases is so...
Take pity the next time you see your dog panting on a sunny Summers day. Not only do dogs naturally have a higher body temperature than humans, it's important to remember they are also wearing a huge fur coat 24/7!The normal body temperature of a...
Research has found that your pet pooch may feel jealousy, but those puppy dog eyes are not actually a sign of guilt. The sad. open staring eyes are not guilt but just our interpretation of our dog’s reaction to being scolded.Interestingly, Alexandra Horowitz, from Barnard...
It is a common myth that dogs can only see in black and white. But did you know they can actually see colours? Well they can, just not as vividly as humans. Dogs also have better night vision than humans!Humans have three cones in their...
If you notice your pet dog is acting strange then there might not be anything wrong with them, there could be a problem with you! Research conducted at the Schillerhohe Hospital in Germany found that dogs have an incredible ability to recognize disease. Dogs when compared with...

PETVIM is recommended for pets by Veterinary Dr Elaine Cebuliak, of Animal Wellness