dog vitamins australia Tag
One of the best ways to get 'down to earth' is to take part in a daily ritual of what is known as 'earthing. Earthing is connecting to the Earth's natural energy through phsically connecting to the earth through bare skin contact with the outside...
Did you know your dogs tail wagging has its own language? When dogs wag their tail to the right it apparently means they are happy and to the left they are frightened. Wagging low means they are insecure and wagging with rapid and sudden movements,...
It is a common myth that dogs can only see in black and white. But did you know they can actually see colours? Well they can, just not as vividly as humans. Dogs also have better night vision than humans!Humans have three cones in their...
Have you ever tried to give your cat or dog vitamins or tablets? If so, then you'll know what a struggle that can be! After tackling your terriefed loved one to the floor and forcing the tablet down there throat, somehow they always manage to convince...

PETVIM is recommended for pets by Veterinary Dr Elaine Cebuliak, of Animal Wellness