Did you know your dogs tail wagging has its own language? When dogs wag their tail to the right it apparently means they are happy and to the left they are frightened. Wagging low means they are insecure and wagging with rapid and sudden movements,...
Research has found that your pet pooch may feel jealousy, but those puppy dog eyes are not actually a sign of guilt. The sad. open staring eyes are not guilt but just our interpretation of our dog’s reaction to being scolded.Interestingly, Alexandra Horowitz, from Barnard...
We've all heard of the superfoods broccoli, kale and blueberries and their amazing benefits to human health. But what exactly are superfoods and are there superfoods for dogs?Not all foods are created equal and some are so jam packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, electrolytes and essential fatty...

PETVIM is recommended for pets by Veterinary Dr Elaine Cebuliak, of Animal Wellness